What are the long term effects of microblading?

Because microblading breaks the skin, there is a serious risk of transmission of infectious diseases, such as HIV and bacterial skin infections. Non-sterile tools and other equipment are among the top risks of infection transmission. Microblading is a permanent makeup treatment that provides fabulously filled eyebrows that last up to 1.5 years. It is a form of tattooing that creates an illusion of more volume by adding strokes that look like eyebrow hairs on the arches of the eyebrows, but is done differently from normal body art tattoos.

The goal of microblading is to enhance your eyebrows. That will definitely do, and you will be free of eyebrow products for up to 2 years. But you also need to be aware of what could go wrong in a couple of years to be very careful when choosing an artist. The effects last 18 months for most customers.

On dry skin, they can last a little longer. Throughout this time, the color will gradually lose intensity and eventually disappear unless it is refreshed. Its color changes, ideally, not much, it only loses intensity. The strokes on the edges of the contour fade and the eyebrows lose the shape that was given to them through microblading.

You can book a touch-up and get another 18 months of fabulous eyebrows. Unfortunately, not all cases of microblading are as described above. If the treatment is not done 100% well, the long-term effects of microblading eyebrows may not be 100% good. The ideal discoloration of microblading occurs only on skin 100% suitable for the technique, so skin types that are on the drier end of the spectrum.

Don't worry, as the pictures show, all these long-term undesirable effects of microblading eyebrows can be repaired or reversed. When done correctly by a trained professional, microblading should last up to a year, Menéndez explains. After a year (or six months, if you use tretinoin or do frequent chemical peels), you will most likely need regular, annual touch-ups to maintain original results. Without these touch-ups, Menéndez says that you would see the eyebrows with microblades fade and eventually disappear completely after three years.

The process is a lot like a prison tattoo. Or at least the ones that appear in the movies. Then the scab peels off, crusts again and spills out again. This causes your eyebrows to itch, but you are not allowed to tear off dead skin or itch them, which, as you can guess, can drive a person crazy.

I spent many of my days patting my eyebrows, similar to stroking a tissue, and getting worried looks from my co-workers. Side effects of microblading can occur if the microblading expert does not strictly follow proper sanitation and hygiene. The formation of scar tissue on the eyebrows is due to the lack of experience of a microblading artist, and this is one of the side effects of microblading that you may encounter. When a technician applies too much pressure during treatment, there is a possibility that the pigmentation will be deep.

Thus, it damages the eyebrows and forms scar tissue on the forehead. That's why you need to make sure that the microblading artist you're approaching has the requirements to perform the procedure. Inexperienced technicians are likely to form bad eyebrows, causing scar tissue on the eyebrows, and in many cases, scar tissue on the eyebrows is irreparable. No one wants to experience these kinds of microblading side effects.

The use of low-standard ink is another cause of microblading side effects, since low-quality inks have harmful elements, causing side effects of microblading. They contain nickel, mercury, iron oxide and other harmful components. A microblading artist needs to know and understand the composition of ink and the importance of high quality ink to use in the procedure to avoid the side effects of microblading. More microblading side effects could occur if a technician uses unpleasant ink for treatment.

Different eyebrow colors can be fascinating. However, unplanned multicolored eyebrows cause microblading side effects when color fades. When does this situation occur? It is due to the selection of pigments to be used for the procedure. As mentioned above, the choice of high-quality inks plays an essential role in the microblading result.

For example, the iron oxide in the ink can cause brown eyebrows to turn orange, red, yellow-orange or pink. In addition, if the ink is a mixture of three colors, there is a possibility that one of the three will fade first before the other two. Heavy metals are usually present in these inks and can remain on the skin for a decade or more. It's mainly one of the most serious side effects of microblading.

Understanding the importance of pigment to use in treatment is vital to prevent customers from suffering the side effects of microblading and allowing them to enjoy what they paid for, for a couple of years before returning to their microblading artists for a touch up. Microblading gone bad creates a scary experience for a customer who may have microblading side effects. A technician who lacks skill and experience in the field can cause damage to the eyebrows and can cause emotional trauma to a client. When an artist who lacks skills and experience in the field performs the procedure, side effects and risks of microblading can appear and give the customer a frightening experience.

These are some of the risks of microblading (which we hope will not happen to anyone). Researching in the salon or studio that you will be having the procedure plays an important role in staying away from the side effects of microblading and achieving the ideal eyebrows you have dreamed of having. The procedure is incomparable to buying the clothes or shoes that attract you in a store and deciding not to wear them when they do not fit you or match your taste. Don't think about risking your eyebrows and suffering the side effects of microblading just because you decide to do it without thinking about it carefully.

Microblading is a type of cosmetic tattoo. A technician draws the “hairs” of the eyebrows with a special tool that has tiny needles on the end. They make fine cuts and fill them with color. The color usually lasts about a year.

All tattoos fade over time, it just happens faster with microblading. Usually, the procedure is considered safe and most people have no problems. Here's what you need to know. If the technician uses dirty water or equipment, it can spread bacteria such as staph (staph).

They could also spread viruses such as HIV, hepatitis or herpes. Sometimes the ink is contaminated with bacteria or mold. There is no guarantee that it is safe, even if the package is sealed. Your doctor may give you antibiotics, antivirals, or antifungals if you have an infection.

This could be a sign of an infection or allergy. But all of this doesn't necessarily mean that the stunning before and after photos you've seen tell the whole story about the long-term effects of microblading. Although it is clear that many people who microblading their eyebrows are happy with the experience (this writer, for example) Healy says that his number one concern about the long-term effects of microblading (other than the possibility of discoloration) is that the procedure does not take into account the fact that trends don't last for always. It's vital to talk to your microblading artist about your situation to determine if you can do the procedure or not.

Although it is clear that many people who microblading their eyebrows are happy with the experience (this writer, for example) Healy says that his number one concern about the long-term effects of microblading (other than the possibility of discoloration) is that the procedure does not take into account the fact that trends do not last forever. All the long-term unwanted effects of microblading eyebrows are due to poor technique or improper skin type assessment, so never go to uncertified artists who don't really have much experience. The nature of the application means that the second of the desirable long-term effects of microblading eyebrows is their discoloration. .
